Отель нам очень понравился. Да, это 3, но она вполне может быть 4. Это пляжный отель, состоит из 3 корпусов по 2-3 этажа(корпуса маленькие) и 1 пляжного домика на 6 номеров. В этом домике нам и поселили на 2 этаже. В домике все окна на море. Красота. Номер достаточно большой, кровати хорошие, сантехника работала нормально, ванная комната очень приличная, кондишн работал, телевизор тоже, но мы его не включали. Есть фен, холодильника нет, он почему-то стоял на террасе домике не включенным. Персонал не надоедливый, убирали каждый день, 2 раза за 8 дней поменяли постель, полотенца каждый день, ресепшен на все просьбы реагировал. В ресторане и баре много славянских официантов.
Еда вполне съедобная. Завтраки европейского типа, ужины более ориентированы на традиционную кухню. Не было выбора из 5 мясных блюд, но был выбор из 2 мясных и 1 рыбного, очень много салатов и зелени, на десерт апельсины или арбуз плюс желе и тортики. Голодных не было, отравившихся тоже.
Отличное расположение отеля - на пляже, отдельно и далеко от других пляжных отелей, то есть никто не орет по бокам со своими дискотеками (как в Турции) и не прыгает друг у друга на голове. Очень спокойно - шум моря круглосуточно. В тоже время - луна-парк - 30 секунд ходьбы, центральная улица - 1 минута, аква-парк - 5 мин, порт и пляж - 7 мин вдоль моря. Заход в море возле отеля - ужасный, но побултыхаться можно. 2 варианта - или бесплатно лежать на лежаках возле бассейна, а в море ходить направо или налево, или платить за лежаки и зонты по 2.5 евро на культурных пляжах. Мы выбрали второй вариант, но и первый вполне может быть. Отель нам очень понравился (еще там замечательный уютный пляжный бар с дешевыми коктейлями), но в Айя Напу больше не хочется - село, скучновато.
Dear Valuable Guest,
It is our real pleasure and gratitude to receive positive comments from a very important guest like yourself.
I am so happy and proud that we succeeded to meet your expectations and we managed to make your recent holiday as enjoyable as ever.
Your constructive comments are well taken and will be communicated to all the department heads concerned, rest assured that only through your comments, we aim to improve the level of services that our guests' receive, and in today's world, this is essential.
Once again, I would like to thank you for the time spent to write to us and we really are looking forward to seeing and welcoming you back again to your second home.
Sincerely Yours,
Khaled A. Latif
Cluster General Manager
Dear Valuable Guest,
It is our real pleasure and gratitude to receive positive comments from a very important guest like yourself.
I am so happy and proud that we succeeded to meet your expectations and we managed to make your recent holiday as enjoyable as ever.
Your constructive comments are well taken and will be communicated to all the department heads concerned, rest assured that only through your comments, we aim to improve the level of services that our guests' receive, and in today's world, this is essential.
Once again, I would like to thank you for the time spent to write to us and we really are looking forward to seeing and welcoming you back again to your second home.
Sincerely Yours,
Khaled A. Latif
Cluster General Manager
Dear Valuable Guest,
It is our real pleasure and gratitude to receive positive comments from a very important guest like yourself.
I am so happy and proud that we succeeded to meet your expectations and we managed to make your recent holiday as enjoyable as ever.
Your constructive comments are well taken and will be communicated to all the department heads concerned, rest assured that only through your comments, we aim to improve the level of services that our guests' receive, and in today's world, this is essential.
Once again, I would like to thank you for the time spent to write to us and we really are looking forward to seeing and welcoming you back again to your second home.
Sincerely Yours,
Khaled A. Latif
Cluster General Manager
Dear Valuable Guest,
It is our real pleasure and gratitude to receive positive comments from a very important guest like yourself.
I am so happy and proud that we succeeded to meet your expectations and we managed to make your recent holiday as enjoyable as ever.
Your constructive comments are well taken and will be communicated to all the department heads concerned, rest assured that only through your comments, we aim to improve the level of services that our guests' receive, and in today's world, this is essential.
Once again, I would like to thank you for the time spent to write to us and we really are looking forward to seeing and welcoming you back again to your second home.
Sincerely Yours,
Khaled A. Latif
Cluster General Manager