• ездил(а) 8 лет назад
работал там в сезон 2017 в ресторане. Был просто в шоке когда увидел что творится на кухне, еда подается в течении целой недели , а выбрасывают ее только когда что то начинает вонять испорченным.
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работал там в сезон 2017 в ресторане. Был просто в шоке когда увидел что творится на кухне, еда подается в течении целой недели , а выбрасывают ее только когда что то начинает вонять испорченным. На кухне полная анти санитария , в первый день меня поставили работать на кухню, и я там находился без мед осмотра. На кухне все ковыряются в еде без перчаток и без шапочек, так же работало на кухне 5 цыган , которые были ужасно грязные. Еда была то переварена , то не доварена. Луди на кухне работали по 16-20 часов в сутки , шеф экономил полностью на всем. Однажды когда выбросили под порченый салат он на ругал поваров. Тарелки и стаканы моются без моющего , после этого натираются салфетками. Питьевая вода набиралась с под крана. Когда меня поставили работать на бар , шеф сказал набирать алкоголь с каких то бочек и лить их в бутылки с под алкоголя. не понятно что это был за алкоголь. пиво было разбавлено с водой. я выпивал 3-4 литры и даже не пьянел. аналоги колы, фанты, сока и т. п напитков в автоматах просто ужасны. В номерах грязно , потому что на весь отель 3-4 горничные которые просто не могут обслужить все номера, они и так работают по 15 часов в сутки. Шеф просто ужасный жирный мужчина, всегда приходил перед открытием ресторана я ковырялся своими руками в поданной еде. У них хорошие связи с полицией , потому ни разу не было никаких проверок. Та даже на booking не можно написать отзыв : )
не советую ехать в данный отель, он испортит вам отдых !
Worked there in the season of 2017 in a restaurant. Was just shocked when I saw what was going on in the kitchen, the food was served for a whole week, and it was thrown out only when something began to smell spoiled. In the kitchen full anti-sanitation, on the first day I was put to work in the kitchen, and I was there without a medical examination. In the kitchen, everyone tinkers in food without gloves and without caps, just worked in the kitchen 5 gypsies who were terribly dirty. The food was then digested, it is not cooked. Ludi worked in the kitchen for 16-20 hours a day, the chief saved completely on everything. Once, when they threw it out under a spoiled salad, he cursed the cooks. Plates and glasses are washed without washing, then rubbed with napkins. Drinking water was recruited from under the tap. When I was put to work at the bar, the boss said to take alcohol from some barrels and pour them into bottles from under alcohol. It is not clear what kind of alcohol it was. The beer was diluted with water. I drank 3-4 liters and did not even get drunk. Analogues of cola, phantas, juice, etc. drinks in vending machines are simply terrible. The rooms are dirty, because for the entire hotel 3-4 maids who simply can not serve all the rooms, they already work 15 hours a day. Chef is just a terrible fat man, always came before the opening of the restaurant, I was picking my own hands in the food served. They have good connections with the police, so there have never been any checks. That even on booking you can not write a review : )
I do not advise going to this hotel, it will ruin your rest!
не советую ехать в данный отель, он испортит вам отдых !
Worked there in the season of 2017 in a restaurant. Was just shocked when I saw what was going on in the kitchen, the food was served for a whole week, and it was thrown out only when something began to smell spoiled. In the kitchen full anti-sanitation, on the first day I was put to work in the kitchen, and I was there without a medical examination. In the kitchen, everyone tinkers in food without gloves and without caps, just worked in the kitchen 5 gypsies who were terribly dirty. The food was then digested, it is not cooked. Ludi worked in the kitchen for 16-20 hours a day, the chief saved completely on everything. Once, when they threw it out under a spoiled salad, he cursed the cooks. Plates and glasses are washed without washing, then rubbed with napkins. Drinking water was recruited from under the tap. When I was put to work at the bar, the boss said to take alcohol from some barrels and pour them into bottles from under alcohol. It is not clear what kind of alcohol it was. The beer was diluted with water. I drank 3-4 liters and did not even get drunk. Analogues of cola, phantas, juice, etc. drinks in vending machines are simply terrible. The rooms are dirty, because for the entire hotel 3-4 maids who simply can not serve all the rooms, they already work 15 hours a day. Chef is just a terrible fat man, always came before the opening of the restaurant, I was picking my own hands in the food served. They have good connections with the police, so there have never been any checks. That even on booking you can not write a review : )
I do not advise going to this hotel, it will ruin your rest!

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